Eco home improvements: how to make your house greener

“Think superior exterior wall systems, efficient windows, and lots of insulation,” says Homa. She recommends triple-pane fiberglass windows (or double-pane composite for cost savings), and high solar heat gain glass (or SHGC) on south windows in northern climates. If you’re still buying incandescent light bulbs, How to make your home more environmentally friendly it’s time to switch to light-emitting diodes (LEDs). After a brief delay by the previous administration, the Department of Energy moved forward with a long-proposed rule that phases out inefficient lighting. Changing your home’s lightbulbs and fixtures to LED saves money and reduces your carbon footprint.

Featured Local Savings

Although paying for an audit might seem unnecessary, many times there are rebates or tax credits offered by the state, the government, or the provider to mitigate the initial cost. Either way, do a quick search and sign up for an audit, and you’re on your way to having some answers. Improving energy efficiency is one of the most important steps in creating an eco-friendly home. Ideally, we’d all use less energy to reduce our footprint, but reducing the amount of energy used by items in your home and having a well-sealed home can be widely impactful as well. Nurture your garden with repurposed rainfall from a backyard barrel instead of cranking up the hose.

How to make your home more environmentally friendly

Green Technology

  • If you’re wondering how to plan a house renovation, or want a checklist, we have all the information you need to get started.
  • There are several ways to conserve water in the home, including the use of low-flow fixtures and rainwater harvesting.
  • You may even decide to build your home in a certain location based on the local building materials that are available.
  • One of the easiest ways to conserve water in the home is by installing low-flow fixtures.

Smart power strips work by cutting the energy supply to a connected device whenever it goes into standby mode, therefore lowering the energy usage of that device to zero. What you may not know is that some devices use energy even in standby mode, so having a smart power strip can remove this issue entirely. If you’re wondering how to make your home more eco-friendly, then keep reading this sustainable living guide for our top tips. We’ve packed as much information regarding eco-friendly home improvements as we can, drawing on our expertise to help you live in harmony with the planet while easing the strain on your pocket. Implement a waste management plan during construction to recycle or responsibly dispose of construction debris.

Go Electric

How to make your home more environmentally friendly

If you don’t already have it, consider adding insulation to your home’s walls, attic, and crawl space. An expert can advise on what R-value (the measurement of insulation’s effectiveness) is needed based on your climate. Insulation can also help improve your home’s resale value, as it’s sought-after by buyers. A home’s building envelope is a critical part of green architecture.

How to make your home more environmentally friendly

Smart Temperature Controls

Sacrificing one degree can actually save you 10% a year on your electric bill and help make your house environmentally friendly. Did you know that your home heating system is one of the biggest sources of wasted energy and one of the best ways to make your house environmentally friendly? It’s also difficult to keep track of how much your heat or furnace is running in the cold, winter months. Manufactured homes (formerly known as mobile homes) are built to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Code, and are constructed on a permanent chassis so they can be moved. Owners can improve the energy efficiency of these homes by caulking and weather stripping, air sealing, and choosing energy-efficient lighting and appliances.

How to make your home more environmentally friendly

Likewise, incorporating living walls into your home can make the building more energy-efficient, not to mention aesthetically pleasing. Not only this, but studies have shown that plants improve air quality by filtering toxins from the air. This should start with the design of the building and the heating and cooling systems.

Smart thermostats assist homeowners in monitoring and regulating energy usage, allowing them to control their home’s environment via Wifi and a mobile app. Homeowners can increase their energy efficiency by modifying heating and cooling systems based on their unique demands and schedules. Increased insulation of your home’s barriers ensures that heat does not escape during the colder months. Consider cotton sheets instead of materials such as sheep’s wool and fiberglass.

Create Sustainable Landscapes & Outdoor Spaces

Here’s a checklist to get you started as you tackle new projects around the house this season and beyond. These devices use sensors and adaptive learning to detect temperature, humidity, and motion. They learn from your household’s daily patterns and preferences by gathering recurring data. It also provides a unique, rustic feel that adds personality to your home. Aside from that, you can incorporate reused metal, glass, brick, and stone for a more sustainable home.